NRCan’s Simply Science highlights C1W - The science of seeing into the future: Canada’s groundwater
Water Issues, Research Highlight Brayden McNeill Water Issues, Research Highlight Brayden McNeill

NRCan’s Simply Science highlights C1W - The science of seeing into the future: Canada’s groundwater

“With scientists predicting major water shortages in less than 10 years, we need to make smart choices today about how to use and protect our water resources. The Canada1Water project aims to help. Co-led by Natural Resources Canada’s Groundwater Geoscience Program and Aquanty Inc., it will give Canadians powerful new tools to understand the country’s water future.” - Simply Science

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The science of seeing into the future: Canada’s groundwater
Brayden McNeill Brayden McNeill

The science of seeing into the future: Canada’s groundwater

A new article in Natural Resources Canada’s “Simply Science” series introduces the Canada1Water project. This is a great little article that highlights the importance of the work being completed through the C1W project, and the fact that this type of comprehensive hydrologic modelling has never been done before at the national/continental scale.

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Canada1Water: 2023 Progress Report

Canada1Water: 2023 Progress Report

The Canada1Water continues to make steady progress toward our goal of providing Canadians with a comprehensive data/modelling framework and decision support system to evaluate the sustainability of water resources under a changing climate. The 2023 Progress Meeting and Summary Report provides a comprehensive overview of project progress up to June 2023.

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The Water Institute - Baseflow trends across Canada: The impact of climate change

The Water Institute - Baseflow trends across Canada: The impact of climate change

This recent article in The Water Institute’s newsletter - WaterResearch - highlights a statistical analysis of baseflow trends to streams and rivers across Canada. The results of this work can inform water resources management by identifying the direction of change in groundwater availability across Canada and regions where interventions may be necessary.

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CBC News - Dwindling water supply leaves some southern Alberta farmers dry
Water Issues Brayden McNeill Water Issues Brayden McNeill

CBC News - Dwindling water supply leaves some southern Alberta farmers dry

Extended drought in southern Alberta is resulting in unprecedented impacts to local farmers and communities. This is an exceptional article which highlights the interconnectedness of water resources - demonstrating the domino effect that can occur when over-extraction of water from one river or reservoir results in the need to draw from other sources, which can then run dry themselves .

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Canada1Water data framework: Harmonized national-scale hydrographic, soils, and hydrogeologic information to support groundwater and surface water analysis
Dataset Development, Feature Sets Brayden McNeill Dataset Development, Feature Sets Brayden McNeill

Canada1Water data framework: Harmonized national-scale hydrographic, soils, and hydrogeologic information to support groundwater and surface water analysis

Several members of the Canada1Water team attended the CWRA Annual Conference in Halifax last month. It was a really great opportunity to get out into the Canadian water resources community and introduce some of the work we’ve been doing. Eric Kessel delivered a poster presentation (see below) to highlight just a handful of the many datasets that are being produced as part of the project.

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CBC News - River levels and rain forecasts at 'unprecedented' lows in most of B.C.
Water Issues Brayden McNeill Water Issues Brayden McNeill

CBC News - River levels and rain forecasts at 'unprecedented' lows in most of B.C.

Drought conditions continue to intensify across British Columbia, with 8 of 34 water basins currently classified as Level 5 on the drought index (advese impacts almost certain), and another 13 water basins classified as Level 4 (adverse impacts likely). This new article on CBC News provides key insights on the impacts of these drought conditions, with commentary from the provincial River Forecast Centre and Ministry of Agriculture. The frequency and severity of drought conditions in this region seem to be increasing; what does the future have in store for BC’s water cycle? This is what the Canada1Water project aims to answer!

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