Canada1Water stream-network analysis for national scale hydrological modelling
This post comes a little late (about 14 months late actually), but it’s better late than never! In June, 2022 Eric Kessel attended the Canadian Water Resources Association’s annual conference to present his recent work in developing a national-scale steam-network database, a critical early stage in the HydroGeoSphere modelling efforts for the C1W project. The C1W HydroGeoSphere models come in two variations: the coarse models are built with a mesh resolved around streams of Strahler order of 5 and above, while the fine models are built with a mesh resolved around streams of Strahler order of 4 and above. The main focus of this work has been to add Strahler stream order to the National Hydrologic Network’s (NHN) existing stream database. Review the poster below to learn more about this significant contribution to the NHN dataset.
Click here to see a high-resolution copy of the poster.
STRAHLER ORDER CONTRIBUTION TO THE NHN NATIONAL STREAM DATABASE - By attributing Strahler stream order, C1W has made a considerable contribution to the NHN dataset, completing stream order coverage for North America.