Canada1Water is a continental scale approach to modelling the integrated groundwater – surface-water resources of Canada coupled with historic climatology and forward looking climate change scenarios. The newsletter will be released every four months on a trimester basis to provide an update on the activities and progress of the project.
Click the links below to see some earlier press releases and issues of the newsletter. If you want to receive these updates in your inbox use the form on the right to sign up for the newsletter!
Note: The C1W newsletter is managed by Aquanty Inc. By signing up for the C1W newsletter you will be added to the Aquanty mailing list and you will also receive the monthly Aquanty newsletter.
CWRA/NRCan World Water Day webinar on Canada1Water
C1W Feature by Agriculture Canada - 3D model to map the fate of Canada’s water in a changing climate
C1W Feature in Ground Water Canada Magazine - Water Project in Stretch Run
CMOS BULLETIN - Bias Correcting Surface Snow Water Equivalent Estimates using Machine Learning
Simply Science (NRCan) - The science of seeing into the future: Canada’s groundwater
AAFC - 3D model to map the fate of Canada’s water in a changing climate
C1W Feature in Simply Science (NRCan)
C1W Feature in Ground Water Canada Magazine - Water Data Not Seen Before