Towards Integrated Gravity - Water Storage Change Models for Regional and National Scale Monitoring
Science Talks, News Veljko Zaric Science Talks, News Veljko Zaric

Towards Integrated Gravity - Water Storage Change Models for Regional and National Scale Monitoring

The Ontario Groundwater Geoscience 2024 Open House was held on February 27 (in-person) and February 29 (virtual). Dr. John W. Crowley of the Canadian Geodetic Survey gave a presentation about Canada1Water titled “Towards Integrated Gravity - Water Storage Change Models for Regional and National Scale Monitoring”.

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Canada1Water in an Ontario Context: Fully Integrated Groundwater - Surface Water Modelling for Canadian Sustainability Goals
Science Talks, News Veljko Zaric Science Talks, News Veljko Zaric

Canada1Water in an Ontario Context: Fully Integrated Groundwater - Surface Water Modelling for Canadian Sustainability Goals

The Ontario Groundwater Geoscience 2024 Open House was held on February 27 (in-person) and February 29 (virtual). Steve Frey, the Director of Research Services at Aquanty Inc. gave a presentation about Canada1Water titled “Fully Integrated Groundwater - Surface Water Modelling for Canadian Sustainability Goals”.

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C1W Feature by Agriculture Canada - 3D model to map the fate of Canada’s water in a changing climate
Science Talks, News Veljko Zaric Science Talks, News Veljko Zaric

C1W Feature by Agriculture Canada - 3D model to map the fate of Canada’s water in a changing climate

Agriculture Canada (AAFC) has featured the Canada1Water initiative, and discussed the fate of Canada’s water in a changing climate. The project is Canada’s first 3D model describing the entire water (hydrological) cycle of Canada. It tracks every part; from evaporation and transpiration to precipitation and snowmelt runoff.

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NRCAN Webinar Series Feature – Canada1Water Overview: A National-scale Hydroclimatological Modelling Initiative For Climate Change Impact Analysis
Science Talks, News Veljko Zaric Science Talks, News Veljko Zaric

NRCAN Webinar Series Feature – Canada1Water Overview: A National-scale Hydroclimatological Modelling Initiative For Climate Change Impact Analysis

Dr. Steve Frey was invited to give a presentation on the C1W project as part of the CWRA's webinar series. This webinar provided a platform to discuss the significance of the project and its potential implications for water resource management in Canada, as well as an overview of the C1W model and dataset development, and how to access project data/deliverables through the soon to launch C1W Data Portal.

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C1W Feature in the Water Canada January/February 2024 eMagazine - Mapping Water’s Future: Canada1Water offers tools for community focused sustainable water management
Science Talks, News Veljko Zaric Science Talks, News Veljko Zaric

C1W Feature in the Water Canada January/February 2024 eMagazine - Mapping Water’s Future: Canada1Water offers tools for community focused sustainable water management

Water Canada's latest edition shines a spotlight on the groundbreaking Canada1Water project, offering readers an in-depth look into its mission and potential impact, as well as for the increasing need of an accurate, integrated, forward-looking model to help resolve uncertainties and set sustainable strategies. To find out how Canada1Water aims to fill that gap, we encourage you to read this months issue of Water Canada, featuring Andrew Kirkwood.

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C1W Feature in the Winter 2024 Edition of Ground Water Canada – Water Project in Stretch Run
Science Talks, News Brayden McNeill Science Talks, News Brayden McNeill

C1W Feature in the Winter 2024 Edition of Ground Water Canada – Water Project in Stretch Run

“The Canada1Water project is a good start in evaluating the dangers that climate change poses to water resources and to Canadian society at large. The groundwater industry, including water resources engineers, policy and decision makers, community planners, and so on – they will all benefit from a comprehensive modelling and data framework that will enable us all to mitigate impacts and adapt more effectively to the changing reality brought on by climate change.”

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Canada1Water: 2023 Progress Report

Canada1Water: 2023 Progress Report

The Canada1Water continues to make steady progress toward our goal of providing Canadians with a comprehensive data/modelling framework and decision support system to evaluate the sustainability of water resources under a changing climate. The 2023 Progress Meeting and Summary Report provides a comprehensive overview of project progress up to June 2023.

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Ask Us Anything - Our answers to common questions about Canada1Water
Science Talks, News Brayden McNeill Science Talks, News Brayden McNeill

Ask Us Anything - Our answers to common questions about Canada1Water

“A conceptually, comprehensive, physically based hydrologic modelling platform developed by a Canadian company is changing the way we think about, study and plan water resources – surface and groundwater – in Canada, now and long into the future.” A new feature in Ground Water Canada puts a spotlight on the Canada1Water project, detailing the mission of this world-class modelling project and exploring potential use cases.

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Canada1Water: 2022 Progress Report

Canada1Water: 2022 Progress Report

The Canada1Water project has reached the midpoint of its three-year project . This progress report covers model development updates as well as a review on engagement and outreach with project stakeholders.

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C1W Feature in the Winter 2023 Edition of Ground Water Canada – Water Data Not Seen Before
Science Talks, News Brayden McNeill Science Talks, News Brayden McNeill

C1W Feature in the Winter 2023 Edition of Ground Water Canada – Water Data Not Seen Before

“A conceptually, comprehensive, physically based hydrologic modelling platform developed by a Canadian company is changing the way we think about, study and plan water resources – surface and groundwater – in Canada, now and long into the future.” A new feature in Ground Water Canada puts a spotlight on the Canada1Water project, detailing the mission of this world-class modelling project and exploring potential use cases.

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2022 Regional-Scale Groundwater Geoscience in Southern Ontario:
Events, Webinar, News, Science Talks Brayden McNeill Events, Webinar, News, Science Talks Brayden McNeill

2022 Regional-Scale Groundwater Geoscience in Southern Ontario:

On February 15th Dr. Hazen Russell delivered a presentation about Canada 1 Water to the attendees of the 2022 Regional-Scale Groundwater Geoscience in Southern Ontario open-house. The lecture - “Canada 1 Water: A Collaborative Approach to an Integrated Groundwater-Surface-Water-Modelling Framework for Climate Change Adaptation” - provides an early overview of ambitious Canada 1 Water (C1W) project.

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Research for Industries (RFI) Lecture Series: Steven K. Frey
Events, Webinar, News, Science Talks Brayden McNeill Events, Webinar, News, Science Talks Brayden McNeill

Research for Industries (RFI) Lecture Series: Steven K. Frey

Aquanty, which is a research spin off from the University of Waterloo, is at the forefront of developing state-of-the-art fully-integrated hydrologic models to better understand and predict water resource behavior and availability under both near term weather, and long term climate change scenarios. Aquanty’s flagship software platform, HydroGeoSphere (HGS), is a state-of-the-art fully-integrated GW-SW simulator that can couple with both weather forecasts and future climate scenarios in order to derive predictive insight on water resources. As part of the continental scale Canada 1 Water (C1W) project, HGS models are being built for all of Canada.

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