Canada1Water data framework: Harmonized national-scale hydrographic, soils, and hydrogeologic information to support groundwater and surface water analysis

Several members of the Canada1Water team attended the CWRA Annual Conference in Halifax last month. It was a really great opportunity to get out into the Canadian water resources community and introduce some of the work we’ve been doing. Eric Kessel delivered a poster presentation (see below) to highlight just a handful of the many datasets that are being produced as part of the project.

Click here to see a high-resolution copy of the poster.

A RISING TIDE FLOATS ALL BOATS - C1W is producing a wide variety of national-scale, harmonized datasets to be published as open-source resources to the benefit all Canadians.


Canada1Water stream-network analysis for national scale hydrological modelling


CBC News - River levels and rain forecasts at 'unprecedented' lows in most of B.C.