Globe and Mail - Building on river floodplains has proven costly and devastating to Canadians.
Water Issues Brayden McNeill Water Issues Brayden McNeill

Globe and Mail - Building on river floodplains has proven costly and devastating to Canadians.

A new analysis by the Globe and Mail (using new floodplain maps developed by the University of Western Ontario) reveals just how vulnerable Canadian cities are to flooding, with more than 30 Canadian cities with populations >10,000 having at least 10% of the cities buildings located in a 100-year floodplain, a risky exposure even today. But how will hydrologic conditions change in the future? What impact will climate change exert on floodplains? In fact, what does a “100-year” flood even mean when the climate changes? We know that climate change increases extreme precipitation, so how can we account for these future changes today? These are all questions that we are hoping to explore with the Canada 1 Water project.

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International Water Management Institute - Declining freshwater storage: A hidden crisis
Water Issues Brayden McNeill Water Issues Brayden McNeill

International Water Management Institute - Declining freshwater storage: A hidden crisis

The International Water Management Institute (IWMI) has released a new working paper (Change in global freshwater storage) which highlights the need for strategic thinking about the longevity of the world’s freshwater stores, especially ‘operational’ water storage (i.e. the portion of global water resources which can actually be utilized by people). The paper highlights some worrying trends, with a total loss of global terrestrial water storage of approximately 27,000 billion cubic meters! These losses are driven by melting glaciers, degradation of lakes/wetlands and over-abstraction of groundwater resources.

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Groundwater Talks Webinars: “Canada’s Groundwater Resources - Perspectives on Canadian Hydrogeology” by Dr. Alfonso Rivera
Water Issues, Events, Webinar, Science Talks Brayden McNeill Water Issues, Events, Webinar, Science Talks Brayden McNeill

Groundwater Talks Webinars: “Canada’s Groundwater Resources - Perspectives on Canadian Hydrogeology” by Dr. Alfonso Rivera

Last summer Dr. Alfonso Rivera was hosted for an episode of The Groundwater Project’s webinar series (Groundwater Talks) to provide an overview about groundwater in Canada and many interesting facts about the geology of the country!

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Dataset Dev: Apr 2022 Update
Dataset Development Brayden McNeill Dataset Development Brayden McNeill

Dataset Dev: Apr 2022 Update

Much of the work in the first year of the project is centered on data set development. This includes identification of data sources, normalization of data for common resolution across the six watersheds and reclassification and attribution to support project modelling.

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Research for Industries (RFI) Lecture Series: Steven K. Frey
Water Issues, Events, Webinar, Science Talks Brayden McNeill Water Issues, Events, Webinar, Science Talks Brayden McNeill

Research for Industries (RFI) Lecture Series: Steven K. Frey

On November 17th Aquanty’s Dr. Steve Frey delivered a webinar as part of Microsoft’s Research for Industries (RFI) initiative. Dr. Frey’s lecture - titled Physics-based groundwater – surface water modeling at continental scale - provides some early information on Aquanty’s ambitious Canada 1 Water (C1W) project.

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CBC News: Severity and sweep of Prairie droughts could spiral as climate changes
Water Issues Brayden McNeill Water Issues Brayden McNeill

CBC News: Severity and sweep of Prairie droughts could spiral as climate changes

CBC News is highlighting the risks posed by climate change in a new series with Meteorologist Christy Climenhaga that will explore weather and climate change in Canada’s Prairie provinces. The article is clear, climate change will have a huge impact on water supply and management. Despite an overall predicted increase in precipitation in the Prairies, the duration and severity of droughts are also predicted to increase.

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World Water Day 2022 - Advancing the Temporal and Greographic Understanding of Groundwater in Canada
Water Issues, Events, Webinar, Science Talks Brayden McNeill Water Issues, Events, Webinar, Science Talks Brayden McNeill

World Water Day 2022 - Advancing the Temporal and Greographic Understanding of Groundwater in Canada

We’re thrilled that Canada 1 Water is being highlighted by the International Union of Geological Sciences during their 2022 World Water Day Event. Visit the IUGS website to see a project summary by Dr. Hazen Russel (“Advancing the temporal and geographic understanding of groundwater in Canada”).

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CBC News — What the new IPCC report says climate change could — and is — costing Canadians
Water Issues Brayden McNeill Water Issues Brayden McNeill

CBC News — What the new IPCC report says climate change could — and is — costing Canadians

CBC News discusses climate change impacts across four important categories including: wildfires, cities/floods, food production and indigenous health.

The C1W team needs a diverse set of partners to help us quantify second order impacts to food production systems, indigenous health, forest health/wildfires and the housing market. If you are interested in collaborating with the C1W team to answer these questions don’t hesitate to contact us (!

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2022 Regional-Scale Groundwater Geoscience in Southern Ontario:
Events, Webinar, News, Science Talks Brayden McNeill Events, Webinar, News, Science Talks Brayden McNeill

2022 Regional-Scale Groundwater Geoscience in Southern Ontario:

On February 15th Dr. Hazen Russell delivered a presentation about Canada 1 Water to the attendees of the 2022 Regional-Scale Groundwater Geoscience in Southern Ontario open-house. The lecture - “Canada 1 Water: A Collaborative Approach to an Integrated Groundwater-Surface-Water-Modelling Framework for Climate Change Adaptation” - provides an early overview of ambitious Canada 1 Water (C1W) project.

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