Permafrost Datasets: Observations and Modeling
Over large portions of the Arctic, and parts of the sub-Arctic, soils remain perennially frozen, and are known as permafrost soils. One of the major aims of the Canada1Water project is to assess the impact of climate change in Canada’s North, which in large parts is dominate by permafrost.
Research for Industries (RFI) Lecture Series: Steven K. Frey
On November 17th Aquanty’s Dr. Steve Frey delivered a webinar as part of Microsoft’s Research for Industries (RFI) initiative. Dr. Frey’s lecture - titled Physics-based groundwater – surface water modeling at continental scale - provides some early information on Aquanty’s ambitious Canada 1 Water (C1W) project.
CBC News: Severity and sweep of Prairie droughts could spiral as climate changes
CBC News is highlighting the risks posed by climate change in a new series with Meteorologist Christy Climenhaga that will explore weather and climate change in Canada’s Prairie provinces. The article is clear, climate change will have a huge impact on water supply and management. Despite an overall predicted increase in precipitation in the Prairies, the duration and severity of droughts are also predicted to increase.
World Water Day 2022 - Advancing the Temporal and Greographic Understanding of Groundwater in Canada
We’re thrilled that Canada 1 Water is being highlighted by the International Union of Geological Sciences during their 2022 World Water Day Event. Visit the IUGS website to see a project summary by Dr. Hazen Russel (“Advancing the temporal and geographic understanding of groundwater in Canada”).
The Water Institute: “What is Canada’s water worth?”
On March 16th, 2022, join Dr. Roy Brouwer (Professor, Department of Economics at the University of Waterloo) as he tackles the question: “What is Canada’s water worth?”. This presentation is the first in a series of monthly webinars taking place throughout 2022.
CBC News — What the new IPCC report says climate change could — and is — costing Canadians
CBC News discusses climate change impacts across four important categories including: wildfires, cities/floods, food production and indigenous health.
The C1W team needs a diverse set of partners to help us quantify second order impacts to food production systems, indigenous health, forest health/wildfires and the housing market. If you are interested in collaborating with the C1W team to answer these questions don’t hesitate to contact us (!
2022 Regional-Scale Groundwater Geoscience in Southern Ontario:
On February 15th Dr. Hazen Russell delivered a presentation about Canada 1 Water to the attendees of the 2022 Regional-Scale Groundwater Geoscience in Southern Ontario open-house. The lecture - “Canada 1 Water: A Collaborative Approach to an Integrated Groundwater-Surface-Water-Modelling Framework for Climate Change Adaptation” - provides an early overview of ambitious Canada 1 Water (C1W) project.
Eos: Quit Worrying About Uncertainty in Sea Level Projections
A new article in Eos provides an excellent discuss on how to understand uncertainty in the context of modeling earth systems.