The Globe and Mail - Droughts create brutal challenges for hydroelectric utilities. Is Canada doomed to experience more of them?
Water Issues Brayden McNeill Water Issues Brayden McNeill

The Globe and Mail - Droughts create brutal challenges for hydroelectric utilities. Is Canada doomed to experience more of them?

A new financial report by Manitoba Hydro illustrates the impacts that drought can have on the energy generation. In 2021 Manitoba (which generates >95% of it’s electricity through hydroelectricity) saw its worst drought in decades, resulting in a net loss of $248-million for Manitoba Hydro (a swing of $367 in net earnings year-over-year). What does the future spell for Manitoba, Quebec, B.C., Newfoundland and Labrador, provinces which rely heavily on hydroelectricity to meet consumer electricity demand?

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CBC News - Floods, droughts, storms will cost Canadian economy $139B in next 30 years, report says
Water Issues Brayden McNeill Water Issues Brayden McNeill

CBC News - Floods, droughts, storms will cost Canadian economy $139B in next 30 years, report says

A new report by GHD, titled Aquanomics, begins to quantify and forecast the economic impacts that the world’s economies will face as a result of climate change effects on hydrologic systems. “Much of the Canadian industry is dependent on water. If [the] availability of water is reduced as a result of increasing [extended] periods of droughts, then that is expected to have a significant impact”

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Soil temperature beneath snow cover
Climate Modelling Brayden McNeill Climate Modelling Brayden McNeill

Soil temperature beneath snow cover

Snow cover is an important control on soil temperatures in cold regions, insulating soils from atmospheric processes in winter. This can mean that the soil is often substantially warmer than the air above – in many cases by as much as 20 degrees at high latitudes, when snow is present.

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Major North American Lakes Simulations for High Quality Continental Climate Change Projections
Climate Modelling Brayden McNeill Climate Modelling Brayden McNeill

Major North American Lakes Simulations for High Quality Continental Climate Change Projections

While a major focus of the climatology group has been on producing high-quality North American (NA) continental historic and future regional climate modelling simulations, focus has also been dedicated to major NA lake regions’ modeling, due to the significant effect that lakes can have on neighboring regions’ climates.

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