Journée mondiale de l'eau 2022 - Faire progresser la compréhension temporelle et géographique des eaux souterraines au Canada
Since 1993, March 22nd has marked an annual United Nations observance day to highlight the importance of fresh water and raise awareness of the 2 billion people living without access to safe water. To celebrate the occasion the International Union of Geological Sciences is hosting short presentations by 15 groundwater experts from around the world, including Italy, China, the UK, Uganda, South Africa, Lebanon, Greece and more!
The Canada 1 Water team is very proud to be represented among this esteemed group of international experts. Dr. Hazen Russel has been invited to deliver a short presentation on groundwater in Canada, and how research by the Geological Survey of Canada is improving our understanding of this ‘hidden treasure’ (including the use of coupled groundwater/surface water models inherent to the Canada 1 Water project).
Click the links below to access Dr. Russell’s presentation: