CBC News - De nombreux agriculteurs de l'Alberta ont trouvé un soulagement après avoir été confrontés à la sécheresse. Mais l'histoire ne s'arrête pas là

I wouldn’t say that all our problems are cured. But compared to what we were concerned about, it’s actually turned out to be, I would say, an actual adequate or decent year … it really did reverse our fortune,
— David Westwood, General Manager of North Paddock Farms

Departure from average precipitation in Alberta over the past four years. (Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada)

Cet article de CBC News met en lumière les défis auxquels sont confrontés les agriculteurs de l'Alberta face à la sécheresse et à la fluctuation de l'approvisionnement en eau. Au début de l'année, North Paddock Farms, qui fait partie du district d'irrigation de la rivière St. Mary, a dû faire face à une réduction de 50 % de ses allocations d'eau après qu'un hiver sec a réduit l'accumulation de neige et le stockage dans les réservoirs. Cependant, la situation a changé radicalement lorsque des pluies abondantes sont arrivées en mai, atténuant les problèmes d'irrigation et améliorant l'état des cultures.

Despite the short-term relief, drought remains a persistent issue across the province. While southern Alberta saw recovery in water levels and soil moisture, areas northwest of Calgary to Edmonton continue to struggle with dry conditions. Experts like Trevor Hadwen from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada caution that long-term deficits in the region's water supply make Alberta vulnerable to future droughts, as large parts of the province have seen more than 300mm in rainfall deficits over the past four years.

The long-term challenges of managing Alberta’s water resources are particularly pressing in light of growing agricultural demands and population increases. Hydrologic modeling expert Tricia Stadnyk from the University of Calgary points out that southern Alberta’s water supply could face significant strain in the future, with the province's commitment to expanding irrigation-based agriculture adding further pressure.

As Alberta continues to navigate these water challenges, projects like the Canada1Water (C1W) initiative play a critical role. By providing valuable data on the effects of climate change on water resources, C1W offers decision-makers vital insights to develop sustainable management strategies, ensuring that Alberta’s agricultural sector and communities can thrive in the face of a dynamic and evolving climate.

Cliquez ici pour lire l'article sur CBC News (en anglais)

Water supplies were extremely low. We were really concerned with the soil moisture as we were coming off of a number of years of drought,
— Trevor Hadwen, Agroclimate Specialist with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

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