Le projet Canada1Water présenté à la Conférence sur la sécurité climatique dans le Pacifique - Panel 4 : Intersections du climat, de la sécurité et de la justice au Canada

Steve Frey, Will Greaves, Ian Mauro et Nicole Bates-Eamer ont eu l'occasion de faire une présentation à la Pacific Climate Security Conference and Career Development Workshop organisée par la Climate Security Association of Canada/L'Association canadienne de la sécurité climatique (CSAC-ACSC), à l'Université de Victoria.

The conference brought together scholars, practitioners, elected officials, and national defence leaders to discuss many of the climate security challenges of our time.

2024 Pacific Climate Security Conference. Panel 4: Intersections of Climate, Security, and Justice in Canada

Panel 4 examines intersections of climate change impacts, security concerns, and considerations of justice and equity in Canada. Panelists provided diverse and interdisciplinary perspectives on issues such as decarbonization and the clean energy transition, humanitarian assistance and disaster response, migration, displacement, and community resilience.

Don't miss out on the insights- watch the presentation now to learn more about how C1W is addressing these critical issues and contributing to climate security in Canada.

Click here to watch the presentation.


AAC - Un modèle 3D pour cartographier le sort de l'eau au Canada dans un climat changeant


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