Amanda Taylor, B.Sc.

Amanda Taylor is a Geological Modeller with Aquanty Inc. She holds a B.Sc. (2014) in Earth and Environmental Sciences with a specialization in Hydrogeology from the University of Waterloo. Her past research experience has focused on regional 3D geological modelling of Quaternary Sediments for seismic risk assessment in Eastern Canada. Since joining Aquanty in 2018, she has worked on several projects where she has helped build and incorporate geological models and other spatial datasets for HGS models at various scales.

Quel est votre rôle dans le projet C1W ?

My main contribution to the project will be in adapting the surficial geology and bedrock geology datasets to use as input for the HydroGeoSphere models.

Quels avantages pensez-vous que C1W apportera au Canada et aux Canadiens ?

I think that the C1W project will bring increased knowledge of the potential affects of climate change on Canada’s water resources. The online platform will bring the benefit of making the results of this project available to the public and decision makers alike.