Réunions de l'équipe C1W
To provide technical exchange within the project team, a monthly science talk is held to provide ongoing context for project participants and to provide critical commentary to support integration and data conformity across sub disciplines within the project. During the first 8 months of the project six talk have been completed. Talks cover a spectrum of subjects related to data assembly layers (soils, DEM, bathymetry), land surface and climate modelling approaches, the integration of GRACE (Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment) and the HydroGeoSphere environment. Here’s a list of the 2021 monthly science talks:
January 2022 - Dr. David Rudolph, University of Waterloo - Predictive Soil Mapping and Applications in Canada
March 2022 - Tyler Herrington, University of Waterloo/Aquanty - Influence of Resolution and Snow Cover on Reanalysis of Soil Temperatures